Ultra-Steady Women of Science

Ultra-Steady Women of Science

For the "Pantone Ultra-Steady Wallpaper" Design Challenge, Spoonflower asked designers to contemplate unique wallpaper designs using a limited color palette from Pantone's Ultra-Steady range of blues and greens. While thinking about a theme to center my design around, I asked myself what does "ultra-steady" mean to me? The answer that immediately popped into my mind was women who made great contributions to scientific fields, often against the mores of their times.

I ended up settling on eight women—some very well known, and some not so famous. I created chalk portraits of each, and placed them on a background of scientific formulae. Each is surrounded by her name and major accomplishment, with her dates.

My hope is that some teacher or parent puts this wallpaper up in a room where young girls will see it, perhaps inspiring more women to explore the Sciences.

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